How To Know When Your Hot Water Heater Needs Repair and/or Maintenance

Sep 30, 2024 | Hot water heater

Not sure if your hot water heater needs a professional inspection? Here are a few signs that it’s time to bring in a professional plumber to fix your hot water heater.

Rusty water: Rust in the water can indicate that pipes and/or the tank are corroded.

Smelly water: Water that has a foul smell, especially like rotten eggs, can sometimes point to a hot water heater needing repair.

Leaks: A leaking hot water heater is never a good sign. If yours is leaking, it needs immediate attention.

Corrosion on the exterior: A corroded exterior on a hot water heater can also indicate that there is corrosion inside of the tank.

Water temperature: Water that can’t get hot enough, or has a temperature that won’t stay consistent, can be a sign of a failing heating element or thermostat.

Noises: Strange noises, such as rumbling or popping noises, coming from the hot water heater can indicate that there may be sediment build-up in the tank.

Hot water supply: If you are running out of hot water faster than you used to, this may also indicate that it’s time to get the hot water heater checked.

Tank is hot to the touch: A hot water heater will always be a little warm, but it should always be safe to touch. If yours is overheating, this can point to several issues that need to be checked out.

If your hot water heater has one or more of these issues, call Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating and get your hot water heater inspected and repaired by a professional plumber today.


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